[IGSSTATION-2366]: DRAO / WILL: CDDIS archive update

Schmidt, Michael MSchmidt at NRCan.gc.ca
Wed Jul 9 13:59:45 PDT 2008

IGS Station Mail          09 Jul 13:59:57 PDT 2008      Message Number 2366

Author: Michael Schmidt

                     GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA
                        GPS TRACKER ADVISORY

We have just submitted some data files for DRAO that were missing in the CDDIS data archive. These are mainly from 1992 and 1993.

We are also in the process of ensuring all other sites that we contribute to the IGS are as complete as possible in the CDDIS archives. The next site to be re-submitted will be
station WILL which is missing all data between 1993 and 1998. The reason for this is not entirely clear. We will advise after each site is re-submitted.

In the meantime data from this and other WCDA Network IGS sites (albh,chwk,drao,dubo,flin,holb,nano,sask,uclu,will,wslr) are available from:
 ftp://wcda.pgc.nrcan.gc.ca/pub/gpsdata/rinex/ (note this archive is also being checked / validated)

Updated site logs will also be submitted as required.

Hopefully this will help in the re-processing effort. My thanks to Nacho Romero for his presentation at the recent IGS Analysis Centre Workshop as that provided the catalyst for
validating our data holdings at CDDIS.

If you have any questions please email gps at pgc.nrcan.gc.ca to ensure a response during the summer holiday period.



Michael Schmidt, P.Eng.   MSchmidt at nrcan.gc.ca   Skype: ccds-pgc
TEL +1 250-363-6760    FAX +1 250-363-6565  Mobile +1 250-920-6128
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada
Commission giologique du Canada, Ressources naturelles Canada
PO Box 6000 Sidney BC Canada V8L 4B2
  9860 West Saanich Rd
  North Saanich BC
  Canada V8L 3S1

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