[IGSMAIL-4797]: station NVSK (Russia) - mssing 3 days

Elena A. Zapreeva rewtowa at uiggm.nsc.ru
Fri Jan 16 04:02:26 PST 2004

IGS Electronic Mail      16 Jan 04:02:34 PST 2004      Message Number 4797

Author: Elena A. Zapreeva
Institute of Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Dear Colleagues,
Will be advised that we have lost data of NVSK station (Novosibirsk Russia) for DOYS 2,3 and 4 2004.
We apologize to users for this inconvenience.

Best regards,Elena
****** **** *******  Elena A. Zapreeva,               Ph.work: +7(3832)356442
  **  *   *  **   *  Junior research assistant,      Ph.home: +7(913)9135462  
  ** *  ***  *****   Institute of Geophysics SB RAS,      
  **  *   ** **      Pr. Akad. Koptyuga, 3,          Email: rewtowa at uiggm.nsc.ru   
****** ****  **      Novosibirsk ,630090, Russia     

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