[IGSSTATION-6805] DLF1, DLF2, DLF3, DLF5: Power interruption

Hans van der Marel - CITG H.vanderMarel at tudelft.nl
Mon Oct 3 08:55:03 PDT 2016

Author: Hans van der Marel

Saturday Oct  1  2016, 16:26:00 UTC, there were several power outages in Delft following a thunderstorm event. During this event an UPS system malfunctioned affecting several GPS systems: DLF1 (IGS/EUREF), DLF2 (Jaxa), DLF3 (JPL) and DLF5 (EDCN). Power to these systems was restored Monday morning Oct 3 2016 at about 06:45 UTC. During this period no data was logged for any of these receivers.

The DELF receiver (EUREF), which is connected to a different UPS, continued to function and no data was lost for this receiver.

My apologies for the inconvenience,

Best regards,

Hans van der Marel

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