[IGSSTATION-5789] POLV: firmware upgraded

Oleg Khoda oleg at mao.kiev.ua
Mon May 19 04:17:39 PDT 2014

Author:  Oleg Khoda

Dear colleagues,
The measurement engine of the receiver Leica GR10 on the POLV station was upgraded from the version 6.113 to the version 6.214 on 13-MAY-2014 07:16 UTC.
The receiver firmware was upgraded from the version 3.00 to the version 3.03 on 17-MAY-2014 12:43 UTC.

An updated sitelog has been submitted to IGS CB.

Best regards,

Oleg Khoda.

 Oleg Khoda, Ph.D.                            Phone  : +380 (44) 526-4759
 Dep. of Space Geodynamics,                   Fax    : +380 (44) 526-2147
 Main Astronomical Observatory of the         E-mail : oleg at mao.kiev.ua
 National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
 27, Ac. Zabolotny Str., 03680, Kiev, UKRAINE

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