[IGSSTATION-3488]: New GNSS stations in the french Caribbean Islands

GARAYT bruno.garayt at ign.fr
Wed Jan 6 03:27:36 PST 2010

IGS Station Mail          06 Jan 03:27:49 PST 2010      Message Number 3488

Author: Bruno Garayt

Dear Colleagues,

My IGN colleagues who are operating the French GNSS permanent network (RGP)
installed 2 GNSS stations located in the French Caribbean islands
(Guadeloupe and Martinique). These stations have been recently proposed to
be integrated into the IGS network and are at that time being assessed by

These 2 stations are tracking GPS+GLONASS satellites and are already running
since a few months (almost one year in fact). Hourly and daily files are
available at IGN GDC.

The approximate coordinates of the sites are:


       Latitude (N is +)      : +161544.30
       Longitude (E is +)     : +2982820.89
       Elevation (m,ellips.)  : -25

       Latitude (N is +)      : +143541.34
       Longitude (E is +)     : -0605946.21
       Elevation (m,ellips.)  : -27.0

You can find some additional information about them at the following web

ABMF (Martinique):


site log :


LMMF (Guadeloupe):


site log:


These stations are operated in collaboration with the local entities of the
French national meteorological agency.

Best regards


Bruno Garayt

IGN - Service de Giodisie et Nivellement

Riseaux et Services internationaux

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