[IGSSTATION-249]: Revised sitelogs SPT0, KIR0, MAR6, VIS0 (Sweden)

SWEPOS Driften swepos at lm.se
Mon Nov 22 07:40:53 PST 2004

IGS Station Mail          22 Nov 07:40:59 PST 2004      Message Number 249

Author: Tina Kempe

A revised sitelog for the Swedish site SPT0 has been submitted to the IGS
CB. The GNSS receiver firmware has been upgraded.

Revised sitelogs for KIR0, MAR6 and VIS0 have also been submitted to the IGS
CB. They were all revised due to a GNSS receiver firmware upgrade this
summer, but unfortunately they weren't submitted to the IGS CB.
Apologies for any inconveniences this may cause.

Regards, Tina Kempe

SWEPOS-driften           		SWEPOS Control Centre
Telefon: 026-63 37 53    		Tel: +46 26 633753	
E-post: swepos at lm.se     		E-mail: swepos at lm.se
Fax: 026-65 42 75        		Fax: +46 26 654275
Lantmäteriverket         		National Land Survey of Sweden
I-divisionen - Geodesi			Information Services - Geodesy
801 82 Gävle				SE-801 82 Gavle

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