[IGSMAIL-4932]: OHI2 data recording interrupted - OHI3 data available

Rudi_Stoeger stoeger at wettzell.ifag.de
Fri Apr 30 03:53:04 PDT 2004

IGS Electronic Mail      30 Apr 03:48:39 PDT 2004      Message Number 4932

Author: Rudi Stoeger

Ladies and Gentlemen

Since 2004-04-27, day 118, the communication between
the computer and the AOA SNR-8000 ACT in our
OHI2 GPS Permanent Tracking Station in O'Higgins /
Antarctica is interrupted.

Currently, the German Antarctic Receiving Station GARS is
unoccupied and uncrewed.

Until further notice, kindly use the data from our
OHI3 GPS+GLONASS Permanent Tracking Station
(JPS E_GGD) in O'Higgins / Antarctica, which is
operating in addition and parallel to OHI2.

With best regards

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