[IGSMAIL-4544]: AGU Session G10: Signal Versus Noise in GPS Height Time Series

Geoff Blewitt gblewitt at unr.edu
Wed Aug 6 12:16:51 PDT 2003

IGS Electronic Mail      06 Aug 12:20:25 PDT 2003      Message Number 4544

Authors: Geoff Blewitt and Tonie vanDam

Dear colleague:
  Please consider contributing to the special session G10 "Signal Versus Noise 
in GPS Height Time Series" at the Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, 8-12 
December 2003. 
  Observed signals in GPS data are the sum of environmental noise, 
electromagnetic signal distortion, and real crustal motions. Interpretation of 
the data depends on our ability to extract a real deformation from this total 
signal, i.e., what part of the signal is really signal, and what part is really 
noise? This session will highlight the difficulties associated with extracting 
geodynamic signals such as postglacial rebound, vertical plate tectonics, or 
loading from GPS height data. 
  We solicit contributions focusing on extracting the geodetic signal from the 
noise, the limitations of data processing models and software, the spatial and 
temporal characteristics of the geodetic signal and noise, improved 
characterization of errors and noise, and the effect of frame and coordinate 
realization methods on geodetic time series and velocities. 
  The deadline for on-line abstracts is 4 Sept 2003, 14:00 UT. 
For further details go to http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm03

Tonie vanDam
European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology
19 Rue Josy Welter
Walferdange, L-7256
tonie at ecgs.lu

Geoff Blewitt
University of Nevada, MS 178 
Reno, NV89557-0088, 
775-784-6691 x171
gblewitt at unr.edu

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