[IGSMAIL-4092]: Power supply interruption at IGN GDC

Edouard GAULUE Edouard.Gaulue at ensg.ign.fr
Thu Sep 26 08:23:47 PDT 2002

IGS Electronic Mail      26 Sep 09:36:12 PDT 2002      Message Number 4092

Author: Edouard GAULUE

Tonight, due to a power supply change concerning the whole 
building, IGN Globla Data Center server will be stop from 
18:00 (UT) to 06:00 (UT) tomorrow.
Assuming no difficulites, we will bring the system back up 
near 08:00 (UT) tomorrow.

All IGS global data centers archive hourly 30-second data; 
JPL also provides public access to their archives.

As a reminder:
   ftp://bodhi.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/HOURLY/yYYYY/dDDD/hHH/ (JPL)
   ftp://garner.ucsd.edu/pub/nrtdata/YYYY/DDD/HH/ (SIO)
   ftp://cddisa.gsfc.nasa.gov/gps/nrtdata/YYDDD/HH (CDDIS)

   ftp://bodhi.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/pro/yYYYY/dDDD/ (JPL)
   ftp://garner.ucsd.edu/pub/rinex/YYYY/DDD/ (SIO)
   ftp://cddisa.gsfc.nasa.gov/gps/gpsdata/YYDDD/YYd/ (CDDIS)

YYYY = 4ch year (e.g., 2002)
YY   = 2ch year (e.g., 02)
DDD  = 3ch day of year (1-365/6)
HH   = 2ch hour of day (00-23)
MM   = 2ch min of hour (00,15,30,45)

Data recovery and all services should come back to normal at 
12:00 UT tomorrow.

Sorry for the inconvenience this downtime will cause our 
user communities.

Edouard GAULUE
SGN - IGN - 2 avenue Pasteur - 94160 Saint Mandé - France
Tel : +33 (0) 1 64 15 32 43
Mail : Edouard.Gaulue at ensg.ign.fr

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