[IGSMAIL-3081]: Setup Procedure for Ashtech Z12 with External Frequency Reference

Robert Snow RSnow at MagellanGPS.COM
Fri Oct 27 14:59:05 PDT 2000

IGS Electronic Mail      27 Oct 16:25:06 PDT 2000      Message Number 3081

Author:  Robert Snow
We at Magellan are concerned that the proper procedure for setting up an
Ashtech Z12 with an external frequency reference has not been clearly
communicated to the IGS community.  Following is the recommended procedure
of setting the Ashtech Z12 with an external frequency source. Two separate
screens need to be used:

1. Screen 4, EXT FREQ, enter "EXTERN FREQ:" in MHz. Press e to save value.

2. Screen 4, EXT FREQ, set "Save through power cycle:" to Y.

3. Screen 4, EXT FREQ, set "Auto-switch to internal" to Y if you want the
receiver to operate in the event that the external frequency should fail
while the receiver is still working. Set it to N if you do not want any data
from the site in the absence of the external frequency reference.

4. Screen 4, EXT FREQ, STATUS field should show LOCKED, not NOT LOCKED.

5. Screen 4, RCVR CTRL, set CLOCK STEERING to N.

We hope this clarifies the procedure.  Please direct any questions on this
procedure to Customer Support ( support at ashtech.com
<mailto:support at ashtech.com>  , 1-800-229-2400 in the US, or +1 408-615-5100
outside the US)

Robert Snow
Director of Reference Station Sales
Magellan Corporation

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