[IGSMAIL-0418] agenda 12/93

W. W.
Mon Dec 20 08:40:16 PST 1993

IGS Electronic Mail      Mon Dec 20  8:40:16 PST 1993      Message Number 0418

Author: W. Gurtner
Subject: agenda 12/93

Monthly Agenda

The Central Bureau maintains monthly files in the Information System
containing the availability of persons related to IGS for each day.

If you would like to be included please create a file named

       here'mm''yy'.'your_name' (e.g. here0194.daniel) 

using the 9 lines from the skeleton below, replace "your name" with
your name and store the file in a directory where it can be downloaded
by the Central Bureau. As your files will be collected daily you can
update them anytime. They are merged at the CB into a global list available
in the Information System  (igscb/general/igs/here'mm''yy').

Please keep the rows and columns intact when filling out the form
and don't overwrite the colon (:) in the "hot" line.

This message here will be repeatedly and automatically distributed
always containing the lines of a next month.

Please send (once) a message to IGSCB at COBRA.JPL.NASA.GOV with the
access procedure and name of your file(s).

Thanks for your cooperation.

Werner Gurtner.

File begins with next line:
                                 December 1993
. present       | 1   3   5   7   9  11  13  15  17  19  21  23  25  27  29  31
- absent        |   2   4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30
+ office closed |WeThFrSaSuMoTuWeThFrSaSuMoTuWeThFrSaSuMoTuWeThFrSaSuMoTuWeThFr
your name       : . . . + + . . . . . + + . . . . . + + . . . . . + + . . . . .

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